What is Renters Insurance and What Does It Cover?

Renters Insurance: Renters insurance is a specific form of an insurance policy that has been aimed at catering the needs of renters, whether they live in an apartment, home or a condominium. Homeowners insurance differs from renters’ insurance as the former protects the physical dwelling, while the latter protects personal property and includes liability exposure.

What is Renters Insurance and What Does It Cover
What is Renters Insurance and What Does It Cover

Housing Insurance policy is an essential element of shielding tenants from evitable losses and incidences thus enhancing protection for property, individuals, and assets in an event of such incidences. It offers the tenants the security of claiming their personal property and liability coverages which is much broader than the homeowner’s insurance.

Components of Renters Insurance

1. Personal Property Coverage
Scope: An individual can be guarded against certain losses on their property from risks including fire, theft, vandalism, and certain types of natural disasters (for instance, hail or wind).
Examples of Covered Items: Clothing and footwear, furniture, home electronics/ computer, jewelry, white goods and other household products.
Replacement Cost vs. Actual Cash Value: It is possible for the policies to be written on an actual cash value basis, in which the policyholder will be paid the value of the item at the time of the loss or Replacement cost basis, where the company will pay out exactly how much it will cost to actually replace an item.
2. Liability Coverage
Purpose: Offers a guarantee of monetary payment in the event you are legally obliged to compensate everyone for physical harm or property damage.
Coverage Examples: Lawyers’ bills, and damages for property or a person in case the visitor is harmed at your home or if you caused harm to somebody else’s property.

3. Additional Living Expenses (ALE)
: Pays for the relatively small cost of living expenses in the event that your rented residential unit becomes uninhabitable due to a covered event.
Expenses Covered: Housing expenses and meals when residents are temporarily displaced from their homes due to fire, car accident, or any reason and other expenses like meals and telephone etc while residing in hotels.
4. Medical Payments to Others
: Cover the cost of medical bills when a person becomes a victim to an accident occurring on the property of another person.
Typical Costs Covered: Day at the doctors, days in the hospital, surgery, and an ambulance ride.

Need Information about other types of Insurance

What is Home Insurance?

What Is Health Insurance?

How does Renters Insurance Works?

Buy Insurance:

Assess Needs: Record inventory of your assets and the cost of each.
Shop Around: The last step is to get a quotation for the policy and then choose one.
Purchase: Click the show premium button to renew it either monthly or on an annual basis.

Personal Belongings: Is for compensation of the loss of your property, through vandalism or theft.
Liability: Provides compensation for any medical expenses or lawyer costs that may arise in the event that a person is injured in your home or if you are the one who caused harm to another’s property.
Living Expenses: Protections includes expenses of holding for temporary homes in case your home is uninhabitable.
Filing a Claim:

Report Loss: If possible communicate with your insurer and let them know and provide evidence where necessary.
Assessment: This is the scenario where an adjuster may be requested to assess the extent of the loss.
Reimbursement: Pay an agreed amount of money according to the terms agreed between the insured and the insurer.
Keep It Updated:

Review Yearly: Ideally it must be satisfactory to your requirements before ordering it.
Get Discounts: Inquire if there are any group or safety feature offers that will lower your premium.
Renewal and Cancellation:

Renewal: Majority of policies are renewable, meaning that they will renew automatically at the end of their term, save for changes made by mutual consent between the insurer and the policyholder. Pay on time.
Cancellation: It is renewable with a provision that the policyholder can opt to cancel any time while the insurer can decide to cancel the policy in the event of non-payment or any untruthful information provided.

Not Covered: Natural disasters specific to floods and earthquakes, mechanical breakdowns, and wear and tear, and any items with entire coverage except the specific ones.

Benefits of Renters Insurance

  • Protects Your Belongings:
  • Protections for events such as fire or theft and damages or loss of personal property which may include furniture, electronics and clothing.
    Liability Coverage:
  • Covers the medical expenses and compensate people for their loss if they slip and fall in your house or you destroy a neighbor’s property.
    Covers Temporary Living Expenses:
  • To a hotel or other accommodation if your rental home is uninhabitable due to the damage for which the policy provides coverage.
    Affordable Protection:
  • This policy is cheap, flexible, affordable, and offers a good amount of coverage which can be paid on a monthly or annual basis.
    Peace of Mind:
  • A house that ensures that your property is secure and yourself when in accidents also reduces worry and stress.


It is highly recommended and very reasonable for those residing in a house for hire to secure their properties by acquiring renters insurance. It covers some of the most fundamental needs of a homeowner, including coverage for that which the owner owns, liability cover and cover for other expenses one may encounter when living in a different place, say if one’s house gets destroyed by fire or is involved in a theft incident. However, the Law does not mandate the tenant to have a copy of it, though many landlords may ask for it when offering the tenant a lease agreement.


How much does renters insurance cost?

It is reasonable for the most part and the price for the policy falls in the range of $10 to $30 per month depending on the coverage benefit and the geographical location.

Do I need renters insurance if my landlord has insurance?

They basically insure just the building and not your personal property or liability as may be required by law or by tenant/landlord agreements.

What does renters insurance cover?

It covers the property you own or possess, which are the items you have inside the rental and it also covers for legal liabilities and compensation for properties of other people that you may have damaged or somehow caused harm as well as compensation for temporary relocation if you had to leave the rented premises because of covered events.

Is renters insurance required by law?

No, it is not required by law.

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